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New scientific studies of human DNA have concluded that
the popular theory of evolution is not completely true!

By Paul McGuire | November 2, 2015

A number of new scientific studies of human DNA have concluded that the popular theory of evolution is not completely true. Scientists now believe that Mankind acquired…through an extra-terrestrial source… foreign genes from microorganisms not of this Earth.

This new scientific theory which is sometimes referred to as the Ancient Astronaut Theory proposes that Mankind as we know it has an ET genetic code in a statistically significant percentage of the human population. The research published in the Journal of Genome Biology focuses on “horizontal gene transfer” between “alien DNA” found in a co-habitating environment. “This is the first study to show how widely horizontal gene transfer (HGT) occurs in animals, including humans, giving rise to tens or hundreds of active ‘foreign’ genes,” said Alastair Crisp from the University of Cambridge.

“Surprisingly, far from being a rare occurrence, it appears that HGT has contributed to the evolution of many, perhaps all, animals and that the process is ongoing, meaning that we may need to re-evaluate how we think about evolution.” The bottom line is that an extraterrestrial genetic code may be found in human DNA, according to the research of two Kazakhstan scientists, who theorize that human DNA may have an extraterrestrial “stamp” embedded into it. These scientists believe a highly advanced alien civilization “seeded” the Earth.

This theory coincides in part with Genesis 6:1-4 where the “sons of God” or the B’nai Elohim or fallen angels mated with human women and produced a hybrid species called the Nephilim.

“When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. (…) The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them.” – Genesis 6:1–4 (NIV)

This “Ancient Astronaut” theory could explain the reason for the existence of super-civilizations like Atlantis, Babylon, and ancient Egypt. There are also theories about the existence of Thule, which the Nazi-occult-rocket scientists believed in. Some believe there is a direct link between Atlantis, Thule, Babylon, and other civilizations.

There are a number of scientists and researchers who believe that the mythical super-civilization Atlantis existed and that over the ages it drifted, that continental drift caused by the spreading and subduction of tectonic plates moved Atlantis somewhere under the ice on the continent of Antarctica. In February of 2012 Russian scientists drilled through a massive layer of ice in Antarctica all the way down to Lake Vostok (a reservoir of liquid water between the bedrock and the icecap) and some scientists have hypothesized that remnants of the lost civilization of Atlantis might possibly be found there.

The Greek philosopher Plato wrote that Atlantis was a super-civilization governed by 10-god kings and provided a model for how all civilizations, including our own should be governed by an occult elite. The legends of Native Americans resemble the accounts of Atlantis as they tell the story of Aztlan, which was destroyed by a great flood and whose inhabitants escaped to the Americas.

A common theme among these pre-flood super-civilizations like Thule, Atlantis (Aztlan), and others is that a super race that came from the stars with advanced technology not only breeded with human women, but that they gave Mankind highly advanced occult technology and science which allowed these super-civilizations to be built, along with unexplainable architectural monuments like the pyramids, the Tower of Babel, and huge city-like structures under the ocean.

Research from the University of Cambridge has discovered what appears to be foreign DNA…145 genes that support some of the ideas of popular fiction in movies like Ridley Scott’s Prometheus and pseudo-scientific accounts like Eric von Daniken’s “ancient astronaut theory,” which proposes that planet Earth was seeded by extraterrestrials millions of years ago.

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution has come under a serious scientific attack for simply not being true and the only reason that discredited theory is still being taught in Universities, colleges, High Schools and grade schools along with the mass media and government funded institutions is because it is being artificially kept in place by a kind of Darwinian Mafia or neo-McCarthyism. In other words the facts strongly indicate it is a failed theory but if a scientist, teacher, or media person dares to speak the truth they are subject to losing grant money, termination from jobs, ridicule by peers, and all-out personal attacks. So the growing number of scientists who know evolution is not true are afraid to speak up because their careers will be destroyed. Film director Ridley Scott had this to say about the traditional Theory of Evolution:

“NASA and the Vatican agree that it is almost mathematically impossible that we can be where we are today without there being a little help along the way … That’s what we’re looking at (in the film), at some of Eric Von Daniken’s ideas of how did we humans come about.”


The traditional theory of evolution is no longer a viable explanation of Mankind’s origins. Ironically, there are two different accounts to explain human life on planet Earth in the Bible. The first account is that of an omniscient Creator-God who created Man in His own image, both male and female. This is the Genesis account of Adam and Eve who were created in God’s image and they had the DNA of God, but they were tempted by an interdimensional being named Lucifer who came to them in the form of an upright Reptilian being or the “serpent of old.”

When Adam and Eve rejected God’s Word they activated the Law of Sin and Death, and the life force of God began to leave them and they began to die.

In what is called an extra-book of the Bible, the Book of Enoch, we read about a different kind hybrid human conception, one involving extra-dimensional beings or fallen angels mating with human women and breeding the interspecies hybrid of fallen angel DNA and human DNA called the Nephilim. Normally, Biblical theologians do not classify an extra-Biblical book of the Bible like the Book of Enoch as having the same authority or divine inspiration as Biblical books like Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, Revelation, etc. However, when reading the Biblical book of Jude, we are given permission by Jude to examine the Book of Enoch regarding fallen angels who “left their first estate” and went after “strange flesh” or mated with human women.


The Book of Enoch predates the Book of Moses and for the first seven hundred years of Church history the Book of Enoch was highly respected among the early Church fathers such as Clement, Barabus, and Irenaeus. The Book of Enoch was originally written in ancient Hebrew and was discovered in in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It addresses the Tribulation Period before the return of Jesus Christ. The New Testament Book of Jude says “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, behold the Lord cometh with thousands of His saints…” Jude is referring to the prophesy of Jesus Christ returning with the armies of Heaven at the Second Coming. Enoch tells how 200 fallen angels descended upon Mount Hermon and mated with human women. In addition, these fallen angels gave fallen angel technology, science, and access to dark supernatural powers to Mankind. Enoch Chapter 7:1 says “And they took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go into them, and mixed with them, and taught them charms and conjurations, and made them acquainted with the cutting of roots and woods.” This is a reference to teaching Mankind esoteric knowledge, passing on supernatural powers, the use of drugs, sorcery, witchcraft, magic, and occult-sciences.

As we read further on in the Book of Enoch, we discover that the fallen angels gave Man occult technology, the art of war, shields, armor, weaponry, myriad perverse sexual practices, and science.

Secretly through the DNA of “Illuminati Bloodline” families and the passing on of secret knowledge and technology through secret societies which we document in our book, The Babylon Code, all of this knowledge, illumination, and occult technology developed into what became known as “Mystery Babylon.” Madame Blavatsky, the occult teacher whose disciple Alice Bailey set up Lucifer Publishing on the grounds of the UN and trained world leaders in the ways of the occult, commented upon “the Giants of Old” and the advanced science and technology they used in her book, The Secret Doctrine.

“In the same work above cited of the Abbe Pegues, the author wonders why in Bible and tradition, the Gibborim, (Giants, the mighty ones) the Rephaim, or ... the Nephilim, or the fallen ones - (irruentes) - are shown “as if identical, though they are all men, since the Bible calls them the primitive and the mighty ones” - e.g., Nimrod.

The “Doctrine” explains the secret. These names [are all associated with the ‘Giants’ including] the race of the Atlantean Giants... ” Pages 278-279.


What is interesting is while many foolish Christian theologians debate as to whether or not fallen angels could have mated with human women, the leaders of the Illuminati and the words of occult teachers like Blavatsky continue to make a large impact on the United Nations. The secret elite completely understand the reality of the Nephilim, Rephaim, and the interspecies breeding that happened between fallen angels and human women. In addition, they understand its direct relationship to Nimrod, Babylon, and our new Babylon that is rising before our very eyes.

In our book, The Babylon Code we stress the importance of decoding ”Mystery Babylon” and how at the center of Nimrod’s Babylon was the interspecies breeding between fallen angels and human women. This is happening in our lifetime through Transhumanism and other sciences. The reason intelligence agencies around the world are now creating a global DNA database and have developed new technology like portable DNA hand scanners that allow the police to capture your DNA in 24 hours is because the elite are on the hunt for people whose family lines have this Nephilim DNA in it.

We document in our book the nexus of “Mystery Babylon” in the multi-dimensional link via Quantum Physics and technologies like the Hadron Collider, which is a Stargate. Nimrod built the Tower of Babel to be a Stargate and Nimrod is a type of the Antichrist. Babylon is being rebuilt in our lifetime and with it the great secret of DNA god-men and virtual eternal life. You cannot understand Bible prophecy or the Bible unless you understand the meaning of “Mystery Babylon” and how it applies to both the DNA of God in the Garden of Eden, the DNA of Jesus Christ which imparts eternal life, and the DNA of the Antichrist produced by fallen angel technology



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