We live in the Scientific Dictatorship that Aldous Huxley spoke of in 1962 at the University of California in Berkeley, “And men and women have learned to love their servitude.” In fact, they love their servitude so much that the feminist movement has acted as the midwife to “Fifty Shades of Grey” lovemaking where woman actually find sexual pleasure in bondage. To the feminists who nowadays act like Hare Krishna’s in leather, “You’ve come a long way baby!” They’ve found satisfaction in being chained, whipped, tortured and bound. Aldous Huxley was right, in the Scientific Dictatorship men and women will truly love their servitude!
What then is the
“narrative?” The narrative is the meta-programming that neuroscientists like
Dr. John C. Lilly referred to as he left this dimension. Through deep tank
sensory deprivation and taking heavy doses of the psychedelic Ketamine he spoke
to interdimensional beings that told him to transcend his programming. Dr. John
C. Lilly’s life was portrayed in the movies, “The Day of the Dolphin” and
“Altered States of Consciousness.” The “narrative” is the subtext or
meta-programming aka the scientific mind control programming code that flows from
the Alpha wave neuro-transmission of the television screen, and the Delta, Theta
and Gamma wave programming from films, television, music videos and Big Brother
news programs that broadcast the Orwellian message, “Freedom is Slavery.” That is why bondage or
being a sex slave is the new freedom. Make no mistake about it; this is the
coding embedded in what is called the “narrative.” However, what is called the
“narrative,” is simply the programming of MK-ULTRA and scientific mind control.
It should be
remembered that Aldous Huxley, author of “Brave New World,” was a leader in the
cult of Dionysus and a neuro-disciple of the Great Satanist Aleister Crowley. In
the music video, “Dark Horse,” Katy Perry’s video opens with these words, “Memphis, Egypt a crazy long time ago.” Although
Katy was a former Christian, the video in which she sang at the Music Awards
ceremony contained lyrics that are a call to invoke the supernatural powers of
the “perfect storm” or the “Dark Horse” of witchcraft. What is occurring in
America and throughout the world is a recruiting process far beyond anything
that ISIS could ever manage! It is the neuro-recruiting process of the cult of
Dionysus and the scientific mind control of Huxley and company. As Founder of
Scientology and science fiction author, L. Ron Hubbard clued us into decades
ago, it is a programming process based on pain, drugs and hypnosis.
During Canadian
MK-ULTRA psychiatrist Dr. Cameron’s experiments, he locked people up in secret
mental hospitals and subjected them to massive amounts of psychoactive drugs,
torture, electro shock therapy and endless hours of hypnotic programming. He
created the first brainwashing assembly line similar to the same way Henry Ford
first produced the Ford automobile using assembly line manufacturing.
Fast-forward to
today’s American matrix and you have modern assembly line scientific
brainwashing building the “narrative.” In this “narrative,” “learned
helplessness” is simply a byproduct of what Dr. Cameron called “depatterning.” Dr.
Cameron grasped an important principle that ideas, belief systems and mental
illness are transmitted in a nation or society by people who act as “carriers”
and that mental illness is a “contagion.” In other words, Cameron believed if mentally
ill people created rock music then that same rock music could be used to infect
mass populations with mental illness. Today, sophisticated social engineers
refer to the intentional spreading of collective belief systems, such as what
occurred during the Arab Spring, as “Emotional Contagion.” These social
engineers are well aware that social media technology can be actively used to
spread a desired “Emotional Contagion.” Conversely, a minority of people or a
“remnant,” can spread revival or even a “Third Great Awakening” through positive
healing and a loving “Emotional
Contagion.” If mental illness can be spread through “contagion,” then healing
can be spread through “contagion.” I delve into the scientific details of this
in my new book, Mass Awakening.
The question that should be asked of all those
who still have critical thinking skills is, “How
do we respond to what could only be described as mass brainwashing and virtual
reality mass mind control?” The answer could be summed up in these words, “You shall know the truth and the truth
shall set you free!” This was the truth that Jesus Christ spoke of and it
is an extra-dimensional truth that conveys power from another dimension. It can
reframe human consciousness with a Quantum Download of the interdimensional
force of the dunamis.
The dunamis is the supernatural power of God
that can literally detonate the virtual walls of interior mind programming and
set a person free in their inner man or woman. The Bible is not simply another
religious book in a successive series of religious or spiritual manuals. The
very words of the Bible are formed with a multi-dimensional living energy in
which the Triune nature of God is embedded in every word. The proof of the supernatural authorship of the Bible
is the fact that it contains hundreds of precise prophecies involving
geopolitical events that have come to pass exactly as they were predicted. In
addition, Jesus Christ is the “Word that became flesh.” In other
words, Jesus Christ who walked on water, walked through physical walls and
resurrected from the dead, is the
Word of God. The only way to properly understand this is to apply Quantum
Physics, not merely on an intellectual level, but on the level of
interdimensional access. Jesus Christ referred to the “Keys of the Kingdom,” where
there is interdimensional access which is reflected in what is known as the
“Lord’s Prayer,” saying, “Thy kingdom
come on earth as it is in heaven.” The power of an extradimensional kingdom
becomes reality on earth.
When this is understood not as an intellectual or theological concept, but as a modality of multi-dimensional download on an infinite bandwidth continuum, then individual people experience an inflow of living energy and intelligence. The net effect of this is that captivity, bondage, and the dimensional chains of slavery are shattered with power from on High. Once shattered people are set on fire by an Infinite Personal energy Source that gains in momentum, Mass Awakening is activated. The source code for Mass Awakening is based on the operating principle of love, or more accurately, agape love. When events within a small percentage of a population are activated by this interdimensional principle, you have a “remnant, “which is sufficiently energized to reconfigure reality as we know it. The narrative or coding is broken as well as the chains that hold us in bondage. Thus is it is now possible to write a new history in lightning. I write about this principle in far greater detail in my new book, Mass Awakening.
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